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  • LAGALÁ 56:426

    LAGALÁ 56:426 is evocation, poetry and delight. It is the mystery of a haven, it is the meaningful place where senses bloom, an aesthetic dimension, a floating world in a suspended moment.

    LAGALÁ is an artistic and cultural center located in the heart of the city of Merida. A meeting point of unfolding spaces where art, gastronomy, design, culture and fashion touch each other.

    The name is a word game that combines the profound meaning and elegance of the word with the inspiring magic from Paul Eluard and Salvador Dalí surrealist muse: Gala. This name takes the material dimension of a destination when we integrate it with the physical address of a vibrant and exciting zone of the city, it is a magical encounter in time and space.

    The philosophical concept of the brand, and its different elements, is the result of great analytical work and study. The design is developed by taking inspiration from the construction’s preexisting arcs (which used to be a bakery) and is combined with a conceptual exercise that interweaves Japanese, Buddhist and Mayan philosophies and basis into a new cosmovision.

    The branding is characterized by lively, dynamic patterns that are present in every graphical exercise, in all the signaling and even in the place ironworks.

    It is important to note that all the identity construction process benefited from a talented, interdisciplinary team that included the owners of LAGALÁ and the Architecture Firm FMT Estudio.

    LAGALÁ 56:426 is an space that functions as a musical instrument: it creates and transmits music, it is an imperceptible sound that resonates within us creating wellbeing and joy, it is a place where we can meet and enjoy life.

    Art Design Interior design